Mariah Menu at McDonald's

With the best selling Christmas song of all time, Mariah Carey has been appropriately called “The Queen of Christmas.” And year after year, she is out promoting the song including annual appearances at the Rockefeller Tree Lighting Ceremony in New York City. Among others! Go Mariah!

This holiday season, Mariah is taking that promo to a whole new level with one of her favorite things: McDonald’s … with her very own “Mariah Menu.”

“All I want for Christmas is …”


Yup, she picked twelve (12) menu items to feature that are not only gift wrapped in Mariah Christmas paper, but also give-aways when you purchase $1 on the McDonald’s app.

Read ,,, use the app.

All the dets are in this little video:

Save the date, December 13th. Note … twelve days before 12/25.

Not sure anyone else could pull this off in this same way, which is exactly the power of the collab. Well done, Queen.

What’s your experience? JIM