Adele "Hold On" with Amazon #MusicMonday

“Adele is turning on quite the marketing machine,” says I with great admiration. Her new album is set to drop tomorrow (Tuesday 11/19) and we’ve already seen the release of two singles and a television special too.


The first single already made a #MusicMonday post, but I just have to write about the second “single” not only because it’s Adele-amazing but also the marketing surrounding it. It’s actually a holiday ad for Amazon, but clearly a new Adele song is front and center, along with a powerful message.

“Kindness. The Greatest Gift.”

Powerful. Yes mental health is a critical issue always, but even more pronounced with the lockdown and pandemic and now holiday season. Amazon, with the help of Adele, tackles the topic head on and offers us a way to cope. With kindness. We need some of that right now.

Love it. Love Adele. Love the messaging. Happy Holidays! JIM