"I'm So Proud of You"

I’ve you’ve been traveling through the midwest or northeast of the U.S. this week, then you know first hand how series after series of thunderstorms have left airplanes grounded and airports sporadically closed … with travelers scrambling to figure out how to get from point to point.

Meetings missed. Reunions postponed. Families disappointed. Business lost.

All at the hands of the airlines and the airports, courtesy of nature.

I read a really interesting article about how great business leaders face these challenges, when trying to find solutions for something out of their control. The article essentially said that great leaders look to their people in these times. They look to support them as they face the challenges. They help them do their jobs … navigate them through the struggles that they are facing … acknowledge them.

Evidently the CEO from United Airlines exhibited such leadership this week, captured best in an email sent to all employees to thank them for how they’ve been handling the ongoing situation. The ongoing situation that they had to deal with first hand. Public facing.

The closing sentence of the email to all employees?

I’m so proud of you.

Such a simple human way to show people that you “see” them. That you acknowledge them and their work. That you are moved by them.

In that simple statement, the CEO showed appreciation and ongoing support and, well, loyalty. Simple leadership that shows care and admiration … to everyone involved.

A lesson to be learned. What’s your experience? JIM