Patagonia's 50th Anniversary

The brand is asking, “What’s Next?”


Patagonia is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. From a marketing perspective, using these milestones can be tricky because they are often viewed as being self-serving, self-promoting, and self-centered to be honest. We are celebrating our agency’s 100th year, and all of that is top of mind as we make our plans.

But there are ways to do it right, and I would argue that Patagonia is doing it right. The brand is asking, “What’s Next?” Rather than drone on about its past accomplishments, the brand is instead looking forward to talk about what more it can do. Check out their anniversary video …

“For our 50th year, we’re looking forward, not back, to life on Earth. Together, we can prioritize purpose over profit, collaboration over competition and protect this wondrous planet, our only home.

What’s next is unstoppable.”

So good. So Patagonia. Happy Anniversary.

What’s your experience? How would your brand celebrate a milestone like this? JIM