Uber Dads

Source: Uber

Being an “Uber Dad” or shall I say a dad on Uber has long been a “thing.” Here’s a video from several years ago from Uber Singapore, celebrating and supporting dads and the use of car seats:

So cute. And so true for those of us dads and moms who use Uber to move our kids around.

Well just a couple of months ago, Uber took “Uber Dad” to a new level with a video featuring dads using Uber at the airport (“Airport Dad”). I have to say that I see myself in here! Five hours early and all! Now you can reserve an Uber ride up to 90 days in advance. “Uber Planner,” if you ask me!

Love how the Uber brand is becoming not only a noun (“let’s get Uber!”) and a verb (“shall we Uber?”), but also an adjective (“Uber Dad”)! Love it! Sign of a powerful brand, almost becoming a generic description for the category which we know can become dangerous territory for protecting the brand trademark ala Band-Aid, Kleenex, etc.

I relishing in this “Uber Dad” concept … with a salute to all the parents out there juggling life. I see you! Been there!

What’s your experience? JIM