A Real “Central Perk” from "Friends"

Source: Friends.Fandom.com

After years of pop-ups in New York and LA, a permanent version of the infamous coffee shop from the tv show “Friends” is opening in Boston …. Central Perk is alive and well in Beantown!

The shop had actually been scheduled to open in October, but got delayed due to the unexpected passing of Matthew Perry, one of the central characters. In his honor, the first set of coffee sleeves will feature a quote from his character Chandler and then will also feature other quotes from the other characters as time goes on.

The menu has been curated by celebrity chef Tom Colicchio of “Top Chef” fame and will feature coffee blends named after scenes from the show. It’s a “Friends” fan fantasy come true! There’s also a website where you can buy the blends and some merch online.

Yet another way that this unbelievably successful sitcom just continues to live on and on and on, just like all of its beloved characters. Including Chandler.

What’s your experience? JIM