Kraft Mac & Cheese New Logo

It’s important for brands to refresh their logo/identity on a somewhat regular basis to remain fresh, contemporary, relevant, and appealing. Especially when it’s a legacy brand trying to appeal to new audiences.

But often those brand refreshes are met with debate as to their worth and design, because often consumers like to hang onto what they know about the brand.

Not this one from Kraft Mac & Cheese … can’t imagine anyone would argue with the above new identity. Here is it side by side, before and after:

Much cleaner, much fresher. But MOST importantly, the name better reflects how the brand’s consumer base thinks of the brand. It’s not “macaroni & cheese,” it’s “mac & cheese!!!” And btw, the noodle looks a lot cheesier which is something the consumer base is looking for too, so better to reflect that as well. This is a good brand refresh, one that I would imagine could have come along a long time ago.

Always a good idea to refresh the brand based on how people refer to it, feel about it, and consume it!

Well done, Kraft. What’s your experience? JIM