Super Bowl Advertising 2022


For the first time in many many years, I missed watching the Super Bowl advertising this year. AND unlike most years I didn’t watch any of the spots in advance. So I’m admittedly playing catchup which is honestly an entirely new experience for me this time around. I’m reading all of the commentary on the ads and then watching them online. Kinda cool, I have to say.

So what’s the take on this year’s spots? Gone is the pandemic messaging, gone is the seriousness of prior years, and gone is the lofty tales of humanity. This year’s advertising crop seemed just to be rooted in what’s going on in life. With a heavy dose of just pure entertainment value.

First up … electric cars. If we haven’t noticed before, the Super Bowl showed us that electric cars are the future and the future is here. Every major player was in, and in electric. Here’s the spot from BMW. I’m featuring this not because it’s the best by any means but because it features my town of Palm Springs, CA which is just fun to see and the spot is typical of the high production and entertainment value of many of the spots this year!

And then we have the real estate wars … the real estate market is crazy these days. Rocket Mortgage teamed up with brand Barbie to bring it all to life (so to speak) and show us a way to manage it.

And then there’s Crypto, NFTs, Bitcoin, etc, etc etc as brought to us by Larry David and FTX, showing us how we need to embrace the future.

The Super Bowl is the marketer’s holiday every year, both reflecting and influencing our popular culture. I think it’s fascinating to see how the portfolio of the work this year really does reflect the changes we are witnessing as we get through the pandemic and continue to have technology advance our world. Fascinating.

What’s your experience? JIM