Adidas Relaunches its Sports Bra Line

I’d call this pretty bold …

Source: Adidas

Adidas made a very bold move this week … to support a very necessary initiative. The brand essentially re-invented its sports bra line to be much more inclusive of all body shapes. Twenty-five body shapes to be exact. Now you wouldn’t necessarily say that the product line itself is very bold, it actually makes total sense. Inclusion comes in many forms, body types and shapes and sizes is one important form.

But how Adidas launched the new line was quite bold and attention-getting. On Twitter, the brand posted a visual of twenty-five pairs of bare breasts (a full and inclusive range) to prove the point that the new line is just that … inclusive. Inclusive to all shapes and forms and origins. Important to note that the brand only posted on Twitter where such content is allowed. I won’t paste the visual in here but if you are interested then you can certainly find it on the brand’s Twitter handle.

Sometimes in marketing you have to make a bold move to make a point. Not just to sell sports bras, but to make people who want a sports bra to feel completely noticed, serviced, and feeling belonged. Good purpose for any brand IMHO.

That’s the point. Really shouldn’t be too bold of a move after all.

What’s your experience? JIM