Pantone Color of the Year 2022 - Very Peri

Source: Pantone

You may likely already know that every year Pantone (as in the color matching system) announces the “color of the year” for the following year, generally aiming to reflect what is going on in the world.

Given the world that we are in right now, going into 2022 still feels like a mixed bag. I’m sure Pantone felt that same sentiment so for the first time ever the company created a custom color: Very Peri.

The company says that by creating a new color, it is reflecting the global environment of change and innovation that is happening and will continue to happen into 2022. That’s a positive way of positioning it. And an accurate way too!

The company also announced the new color in a very new and innovative way via NFTs using Tezos blockchain. Smart. Innovative. Also a sign of change. If you don’t know what any of that means (because I am definitely still learning), click here to get a read and find out more.

Turning colors into gaming, art, and currency, Who would have thought?!? Well actually, when you think about colors, think about it!

I like you Very Peri. I hope you signal great positive change and breakthrough innovation in 2022.

And creativity.

What’s your experience? JIM