September 11th - Pay It Backward


Once again, September 11th is upon us and I’m left with a feeling of sadness from the moment I woke up. That day is still so vivid in my memory, not just for the trauma and tragedy of the day but for the fact that my two kids were so young at the time and we all just didn’t know where this was all going to go. The world changed in that moment and our feeling of safety has never been the same. Hugs to all the families and friends who were directly affected.

And now here in 2020, our feeling of safety has also been shaken to the core and it will never be the same again but in a different and equally traumatic way.

The only thing I can do to process my emotions is to re-read and re-publish this post that I wrote in 2012 for The Huffington Post. A stranger made me feel a little bit better that day, and I will never forget that feeling. I relive it every year on this day.

Give it a read here … Pay It Backward.

Please take care of yourselves. What’s your experience? JIM