"Love on the Spectrum" Series


I just started watching a new television series on Netflix that is changing my perspective, and in some ways changing my life.

“Love on the Spectrum.”

It’s both a “reality” show and a “dating” show and in some ways a “documentary” that follows several people who are on the Autism spectrum and who are each on their own journey to find love.

Oh my, the range of emotions that this show brought out in me. At one point tears, and at one smiling, at one point just shaking my head. But always inspired and enlightened.

This show should be mandatory viewing. It opens our hearts and our minds to those who struggle yet also thrive with their Autism, all of which is different and unique.

Sure, the commonality of the search for love certainly resonated with me. We have all been there or are currently there. I could relate completely and had intense empathy for the situations that these folks found themselves in.

But what struck me most was each person’s sense of confidence and determination and willingness to go for it despite their obstacles. We all have obstacles but theirs are things that could feel overwhelming yet they all stick to it.

They are proud of who they are. Proud of their lives. I felt incredible pride for them and I watched their lives in motion.

“Love on the Spectrum” is an eye-opener for sure. And a lesson in caring and supporting those around us who need our help. And a wake up call that we are all a lot more alike than we are different. Here’s the trailer:

Please watch and tell me: what’s your experience? JIM