Barbie Campaign Team 2020



Full disclosure here … I’m a big fan of brand Barbie. Progressive. Dynamic. Filled with history. Intertwined with pop culture. Inspirational. Motivational. All of the above.

I always say that brands and brand marketing both reflect and inspire pop culture, and brand Barbie is a perfect example. And the 2020 Career of the Year from Barbie is a perfect example from the perfect example.

The 2020 Career of the Year is the all female Campaign Team with a black female Presidential candidate with her campaign manager, campaign fundraiser, and of course voter! Inspiring little girls (and big girls and all people too) to pursue any career that might fulfill them. Even those that may have seem untouchable for some before. Not any more! No one should be excluded any more.

Some have already thrown criticism, which is ridiculous but sadly what can happen when you both reflect and inspire pop culture. I say push forward and let’s have this team Barbie actually come to life some day soon!

What’s your experience? JIM