The Coronavirus is Shifting Job Roles


The effects of the coronavirus pandemic is shifting so much of what we know and what we do. It’s a paradigm shift in our culture as I’ve written before. It’s dizzying.

Sadly (horribly sadly), a lot of people’s jobs and incomes have been severely impacted and in fact many have seen them go away. Many in my family and within my friends. Hopefully temporarily … but it’s still incredibly stressful and devastating.

We’ve also seen many jobs and job roles shift as a result. Many “jobs” moving online or mobile, which presents a new role and way of doing things in most cases. It’s a shift in how people do their jobs. Not always easy.

One example … pretty much across the board in every country and city affected … that restaurants have switched to take-out and delivery. Online and mobile. Again, switching jobs and job roles to continue to generate revenue and income for people.

Two companies (and probably many more), have seen a huge upswing as a result and actually need more people to come work for them. I applaud them in these trying times!

Pizza delivery! Of course! Domino’s Pizza and Jet’s Pizza in the US to name just two. They are asking service workers in general (from any industry) to come help them meet growing demand. Lots of demand. Roles include assistant managers, customer service people, delivery folks, cooks, inventory managers, operations, etc, etc. Bravo! I am sure that there are many more companies doing exactly the same thing.

Makes sense. We are seeing massive shifts in consumer behavior that can only have a ripple affect on people’s jobs. And the roles they play. Let’s just hope they can all shift to something new and productive, like the examples from Domino’s and Jet’s.

What’s your experience? JIM