Tide Saves the Jersey Swap

Source: tide.com

Source: tide.com

It’s an NFL tradition for rival teams to swap their jerseys after a game. It’s a time honored tradition of respect and sportsmanship that has carried over into other leagues beyond the NFL as well. But this year, thanks to the pandemic, it looked like at first glance that the tradition couldn’t be honored.

In steps Tide.

Tide stepped in to clean those jerseys before swapping them, making the tradition a safe one this year. The swap is facilitated by a hosted robot …

Brilliant move. When a brand can step in and truly add value based on its attributes then that brand scores. Scores momentum and buzz and fame. Stepping in to solve a cultural problem as only it uniquely can. Score!

Reminds me of the Tide Loads of Hope trucks that pull into areas where disaster relief is needed so that people affected can wash their clothes. Another case of adding real value in a time of need, solving a problem. An even bigger problem than a jersey swap.

Source: news.pg.com

Source: news.pg.com

When a brand shows up in culture to save the culture, then that is truly a remarkable brand. A conscious brand!

What’s your experience? JIM