"Another One Bites the Dust" #MusicMonday


The first live concert that I ever went to was Queen. I grew up in Syracuse, NY and Syracuse University had a world-class indoor stadium that attracted all the big acts. Queen was one of them, and it was my first of a long string of amazing concerts including The Rolling Stones, The Who, Foreigner, and Bruce Springsteen.

Songs from Queen always had a bit of drama, so I was drawn to the sound. One of my favs of all time is “Another One Bites the Dust.” I’m picking it for this week’s #MusicMonday because it’s just simply my #CurrentMood. I think it’s going to be a tough week with all of the election results and the resulting commentary so I just need to blast this little ditty today on repeat to get me prepared.

Another week … another one bites the dust.

Just love the infectious beat. And with Freddy’s vocal, it’s a classic. Makes me feel like I can tackle another week, even this week.

What’s your experience? JIM