Surge Underwear


I came across this men’s underwear brand from the UK that’s been getting a lot of attention. Not in the usual way that men’s underwear brands get a lot of attention, though.

While we don’t talk about it (nearly) enough, men also suffer from body image issues and unrealistic expectations of what a man’s body should look like. While it doesn’t get talked about as much, it’s real. Society imposes a greater and greater level of required perfection when it comes to body image. It’s hard to keep up.

So body positivity is a real issue for men too. The stats say that it’s getting worse, actually.

For women yes, and for men too.

Which is why the brand Surge of men’s underwear is so powerful. The brand displays and lives with complete diversity. Not just body types but all kinds of diversity including transgender men for whom I can only imagine the issues that they face. Underwear is daunting for everyone and feeling like you look good and sexy in it is even more daunting.

For women yes, and for men too.

What’s your experience? JIM