Pop-Tarts Popping Up

Source: Poptarts.com

The iconic brand Pop-Tarts, which was invented in 1964, seems to be the topic of conversation again just lately. I guess we can thank Taylor Swift to start.

Yet again, the Taylor Swift effect.

Evidently Taylor Swift is a big baker. She recently made homemade Pop-Tarts for her boyfriend’s team (The Kansas City Chiefs). The brand caught wind of it and is asking Taylor for the recipe. And if she does release it, then Pop-Tarts will donate to the local food bank. Here are some folks talking about it:

Now in the category of “there are no coincidences in marketing” (or are there?!?), Netflix is about to release a movie called “Unfrosted” which is set in 1963 and is all about the making of the now legendary product. It is directed by Jerry Seinfeld and has a huge cast including Jerry himself, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, and Hugh Grant among others. It’s a comedy all about the competition between the two companies Kellogg’s and Post to come out with the first (now called) Pop-Tart. Seems fun!

Sure seems that Pop-Tarts is popping up a lot these days. With lots more to come, or so it seems.

What’s your experience? JIM