The Ultimate in Collaboration: Pink and Kelly Clarkson #MusicMonday

Pink and Kelly Clarkson … have you seen these two together?!? It’s sheer magic. Pure joy for them and for us!

Such collaboration, support, admiration between these two. It’s so refreshing to see because if you think about it they really are competitors. Both releasing music in similar genres, both about the same age and experience in the industry, and I’m betting both with very similar audiences. Yet rather than compete and try to knock each other down, they collaborate. They create. They soar. qAnd the above video from “The Kelly Clarkson Show” is just one example. They have also appeared in shows and stage together, etc.

I just love seeing like-minded artists (or anyone) just simply lift up and support each other. Everyone wins. Seeing these two incredibly talented people just cements the benefits of collaboration for me, and inspires me to do the same in my line of work.

What’s your experience? JIM