"Rewrite with AI" on LinkedIn

Source: LinkedIn

For likely over a year now, LinkedIn has been incorporating AI technology and tools into their site to enhance recruitment, profile writing, and finding information. To my eye, LinkedIn is an early innovator on how to really use AI to do what you’re doing better.

I personally post quite a bit on LinkedIn including blog posts that I write on a weekly if not daily basis … case in point this one. Suddenly just a bit ago, I noticed a little button pop up as I was posting that said, “Rewrite with AI.” I literally can simply click that button and the LinkedIn AI tool will rewrite my post but presumably better.

Bam. I love it. And what I love even more is that this is a very specific application of AI that is usable, friendly, value-added, and tangible. unlike so much of the AI discussion which is scary, vague, and intangible. This makes me run towards AI as opposed to turn my back on it.

I am positive that this is the first of many more tangible examples of AI in the works. I just had to write (rewrite) about it.

What’s your experience? JIM

Jim JosephAI, LinkedInComment