Keep Fighting for Freedom


As we celebrate our national holiday of Fourth of July this week, I am reminded that this is the day that we fought for freedom so many years ago. I think we may have collectively forgotten about that part of history, as we gather with friends and family to genuinely celebrate being together. It’s almost a summer celebration as it is anything else. Nothing wrong with that. We should celebrate being together.

But this summer I am indeed reminded of the fight for freedom that created this holiday. And I’m reminded that the fight isn’t over by any means. Albeit in a very different manner and “state,” we have to constantly fight for our freedom now just as much as ever.

We have to fight for and yes celebrate the diversity that is the United States (and should be). The inclusion that is our culture (and should be). And the equity that each of us deserves (and so we do). We might not be there yet, but we have to keep fighting to get there and stay there.

We can’t lose sight of the need to fight. Every day. Every holiday. I am reminded of that this Fourth of July, and every day moving forward.

What’s your experience? JIM