Brace Yourself for the Barbie Movie - Malibu Beach House is on Airbnb

Source: Airbnb

Brace yourself … after a year of heavy hitting marketing, the movie Barbie is opening this weekend. Wait, you hadn’t heard about it … said no one this year! No one!

I’m going to spend next week highlighting so many things about the marketing of the movie, so I’ll reserve it all except to say that the movie has over 100 brand partnerships. 100! And parent company Mattel is owning it all including facing head-on the “over marketing” of the brand and even the, shall I say, DE&I missteps through the years. The brand is taking it on and shutting it down in the process, That’s how it’s done.

But my favorite of them all, and there are many marketing aspects to comment on and we will, is the Barbie Malibu Beach House on Airbnb. Yes indeed, a mansion in Malibu has been pinked out including Ken as host and is available to rent.

Get outta town.

Smart move by Mattel, Barbie, and Airbnb. Not sure who gets the most out of all of this. I’m guessing this is a big bump for Airbnb, though, with a direct tie to all that’s that in pop culture in the moment.

IN the moment. I mean really!

Brand marketing at its finest!

What’s your experience? JIM