CALM x IT at Cannes Lions 2023

As we celebrate the work and the learnings at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity this week, I’d like to highlight one of the Grand Prix winners. The Grand Prix winners span a few categories and represent the “runners up” to the ultimate best in show of the Festival.

I’d like to congratulate the Grand Prix winner in Film from CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) and IT (the largest television station in the UK). The combo tackles suicide prevention by showcasing how hard it is to tell that someone is suffering. It’s called “The Last Photo.”

Such a moving film, not just for its emotionality but for how it moves people to think differently. Causes a change in perceptions. It’s so jarring because it’s just simply not something we expect to see from a sufferer who is contemplating suicide. A stark reality check and a reminder to us all to be on the lookout for those around us and those we love. Thank you.

What’s your experience? JIM

Source: Cannes Lions