"The Barbie Movie" Trailer

Source: YouTube.com

It’s probably a ridiculous question to ask if you saw the release of the trailer for The Barbie Movie?!? The moment it hit last week it was instantly on social media fire.

Amazingly fun! And exactly what we expected given all the months-long hype on the movie. But what really set it on fire was the meme template that the brand released so that every single person could label themselves as a Barbie. Me personally, I’m a Barbie Dad, among other things. Literally caught the social streams on fire!

Why? Well it was fun! But it also showed the diversity of the brand and the diversity of those who are fans, reflecting the overall diversity of our culture. Diversity on every dimension personally and professionally. Everyone saw a Barbie version of themselves. When you have a brand that can engage culturally like that, and one that actually reflects the culture, well then, you’ve got marketing magic. Barbie magic.

And then it gets better … there was such demand to see this movie travel include the iconic The Barbie Song from 1997.

I mean, I see myself. And apparently so do others!

What’s your experience? JIM