Suzanne Somers, The Brand


The world lost another legend this week, Suzanne Somers. Although best known for her iconic television characters, Suzanne Somers was a brand through and through. A savvy business woman. A creative engine. A relentless fighter. A healthcare influencer.

All of the above.

And of course we can’t forget The ThighMaster.


Visiting her website is a health and wellness journey, her journey to be exact as she battled cancer for many many years, eventually losing the battle. Her battle. Her battle on her terms.

She will long be remembered for that battle and for the wellness lifestyle she created … and the products and ultimately the brand that came along as a result of that battle. Or for that battle. Many many people have benefited from her brand.

I had the pleasure of casually meeting Suzanne and her husband a couple of times at our favorite restaurant in Palm Springs. She was a frequent flyer there, as are we. She was always gracious and friendly and spirited.

The best part of being a brand? You live on in perpetuity! Which is exactly what Suzanne Somers the brand will do.

What’s your experience? JIM