Invisible (York) Campaign for Homelessness

The Good Organization is a group in the York, UK that “supports marginalized people to share in the positive benefits of tourism within York.” Click here to learn more about them and their work.

The Good Organization has created walking tours of York called Invisible (York) that includes these posters that are placed in areas where you might see homelessness. Point being that you may likely notice the poster before you’d notice an actual person.

Turns the tables on a typical city tour! Sheds light on a problem that has to be fixed, perhaps with proceeds from tourism of that city! Oh and BTW, the tour guides are all done by people who have been effected by homelessness. Wow!

It’s a real eye-opening and thought-provoking campaign and tour as it works to really question your own bias and behavior. That’s powerful! Coming from a good organization seeking to do good work … The Good Organization!

What’s your experience? JIM