Pottery Barn Accessible Home

Source: Pottery Barn

Here’s a first of its kind, at least one of the first from a major furniture retailer: a new line of furniture from Pottery Barn “designed to be accessible to the elderly, the injured, and those living with disabilities.”

Pottery Barn Accessible Home. Well done!

The line includes 150 separate pieces for multiple rooms in the home including dining, office, living, bedroom, bathroom, and even closets. Bravo! You can read more about it from Fast Company by clicking here.

As brands talk about serving various communities, those who have accessibility challenges are often overlooked so it is inspiring to see Pottery Barn work so hard to help these folks in their home. And the sheer nature of the designs and even the name “Accessible Home” shows the care and respect that went into the brand’s work. I’m betting that the teams loved their work in putting this all together. I hope they did!

A lesson for us all.

What’s your experience? JIM