Thank You

Today I start my new job at Ketchum … one I’ve been waiting to come for quite some time. It is so exciting to be entering a new career chapter, one that is filled with people I know, respect, and admire. I’ve long known that the culture and spirit at Ketchum is both inclusive and supportive, so entering that environment and knowing that I can build upon it is just, well, so good!

My purpose for today’s post is a simple one … to say thank you. When we made the announcement last week, I was not prepared for the tidal wave of love that came my way from all of you. Phone calls, text messages, DMs, social posts, and all of the above came pouring in from friends across my entire life including high school, college, grad school, as well as from every company I’ve been at and every place I’ve lived. It was a wow and to say that it meant a lot would be the understatement of my career. It meant a whole lot and it has boosted me up for today, day one of the rest of my career.

Diana Ross recently released a new song called “Thank You” which essentially thanks her support system for her long and rewarding career. I’d like to feature that song here as my way of saying “thank you” as well.

“Every choice and step I make
Every word every and breath I take
You're the reason my world keeps turning
Like the blood running through my veins
Sunshine when there's only rain
You're the reason my heart keeps learning

We survived the highs and lows
Sometimes that's how life goes
But together, I know we'll make it
I wouldn't change a single day
No one else makes me feel that way
I know you take care of my heart and never break it”

As we all know only too well, managing life and a career isn’t easy. We’ve all had some highs and we’ve also all been tossed up and down through the years … it’s part of the learning journey and the choices we make. But in the end and through it all, we have each other as part of that journey. Thank you for that.

What’s your experience? JIM

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