Gymshark Safe Space Barbershop

Source: Gymshark

If you are not familiar with the brand Gymshark, it’s a line of fitness apparel out of the U.K. It’s long been an online brand, but just recently opened up its first physical store as well. Likely more to come.

But here’s the really interesting part … the brand also launched a unique concept over the summer this year that bears acknowledging … a safe space barbershop. Presumably a test in one location for a short amount of time. It’s called a “safe space” because the brand realizes that while many men may not find it easy to open up about issues they may be facing, they do tend to have a good open chat with their barber. In this case, the barbers are all professionally-trained in mental health. And while the cut is free, sales of the related merchandise (gels, shampoos, etc) go to the mental health charity Calm in the U.K..

The shop is appropriately called Deload.

Such a great example of bringing new value to your consumers and being conscious of what they may be going through in their lives. The pandemic in particular has brought new levels of mental health issues, and I firmly believe that it is all of our jobs to combat it. Every brand, in its own ways, can help their consumers navigate their daily lives. In this case, Gymshark is helping men to open a dialogue with someone who can help.

I hope this test continues. I hope other brands dig in as well.

How can you help? What’s your experience? JIM