Harry Styles x AirPods

Let’s just say that Harry Styles is the “IT” entertainer at the moment with his latest album “Harry’s House.” On fire. Featuring a song from that album “Music for a Sushi Restaurant,” Harry recently did a retro-style advert for AirPods. Quite cool …

Quite cool because not only did it feature his new song, but it was also done in Apple retro style reminiscent of one of its early campaigns from something like twenty years ago.

And by the say, the advert features AirPods with Spatial Audio, likely better to listen to music. Bam!

Even better … Harry donated his fees from the commercial to the IRC charity which has been helping with Ukraine refugees. Bam!

Not sure it gets much better. What’s your experience? JIM

PS - Bonus Extra - in case you missed Harry sing with Shania Twain at Coachella this year, you have to check it out … Man!