IKEA Invites Candidates to "Taste the Future"

Source: Ikea.com

IKEA is looking to expand its internal talent base with more technology and innovation roles around the world, with a goal of more than 150 new roles across Europe alone.

So in an effort to attract and recruit that kind of tech talent, IKEA invited candidates to a special interview where they can taste an iconic IKEA Swedish Meatball … but one that is plant-based and created by a 3D printer! The invitation is called “Taste the Future” …

Every industry is fighting to attract talent, often competing for the same talent across industries. Particularly in tech. I applaud IKEA’s efforts to try to break out of the pack and not only offer a different kind of tech career path but also a different and unique way into the organization. AND promote its innovative heritage at the same time!

How are you standing out to attract talent? What’s your experience? JIM