Tiffany & Co. Redesigns "League of Legends" World Championship Trophy

First it was the Super Bowl, and then …

Source: Tiffany & Co.

The League of Legends is legendary in e-sports, and its annual World Championship is an honor not unlike what it might feel like to win the Super Bowl.

This past fall the “brand” took winning up a notch by partnering with Tiffany & Co. to design the Summoner’s Cup which goes to the winner. Take a look …

Pretty spectacular. You can see what’s in it for the winner and for the League of Legends. But what’s in it for Tiffany’s?

Well, being associated with one of the hottest tickets in popular culture. Being associated with the ultimate in winning. Being recognized as a brand that goes beyond the Tiffany diamond … connecting with an entirely new audience of would-be buyers who now have an affinity to a brand that may not have otherwise been on their radar.

Smart, on all sides. And beautifully designed.

BTW, guess who designs the Super Bowl trophy that the winning team gets each year? Tiffany & Co.! And the brand has from time to time designed the winners’ rings as well. Thought I’d throw that in since we are coming up on Super Bowl Sunday. And yet another reason for League of Legends to bring the brand on board for a redesign.

What’s your experience? JIM