American Women Quarters Program

Earlier this year, the United States Mint announced a new series of quarters that will celebrate the accomplishments of American women in what it is calling the American Women Quarters Program.

The first one to go into circulation features Maya Angelou, renowned poet and activist. We could use her right now, to be honest, but at least her memory lives with us to inspire us.

The other quarters to come throughout the year honor Sally Ride, Wilma Mankiller, Nina Otera-Warren, and Anna May Wong. You can read more about the program by clicking here. The series marks the first time that a black woman appears on a quarter.

While to some this may feel like a small program in the scheme of things, to me when you infiltrate every day life with symbols of inclusion, representation, and excellence then you serve to inspire that behavior in our day to day activities. And that’s no small feat. Step by step, quarter by quarter.

Thank you U.S. Mint and every other “brand” out there giving us steps towards every day complete inclusion. And for inspiring us all to be greater.

What’s your experience? JIM