"Moon River" ... Beyonce and Jay Z for Tiffany & Co

Source: Tiffany.com

Source: Tiffany.com

A few weeks ago, Tiffany & Co. announced that their new spokespeople would be none other than Beyonce and Jay Z. And that they were going to represent love, which is something the brand is all about.

Buzzzzzzzzzzzz. But how will they show up and represent?!?

Oh how they showed up! Oh how they represent!

Now the video/film is out and it’s pretty darn fabulous, with Beyonce singing a cover of “Moon River,” which is one of the most romantic songs ever. I had high expectations but this video and cover blew me away.


You may know the song from the version sung by Andy Williams back in the day but it was also covered by Audrey Hepburn in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” who BTW also wore some of the same jewels adorned by Beyonce in this video. So well played. Connections a plenty! It’s called “About Love.”

What’s not to love … will it make people fall in love the Tiffany’s? It just might. I’m feeling it a bit.

What’s your experience? JIM