It's a "Father Figure"


This past weekend New York City celebrated Pride. Yes there’s a parade to watch, but there’s also a sea of t-shirts and signs and buttons with all sorts of fun sayings on them that go parading by on the streets. I find it fascinating to watch.

There was one t-shirt that I saw in particular this year that just made me LOL.

I’m not a fan of the “dad bod” thing. I find it not only a bit overdone but also a bit insulting TBH. Not a biggie but a definite annoyance for this dad, sample of one.

So of course I had to chuckle when one young gentleman (with his small child) walked down 8th Avenue in Chelsea, Manhattan wearing a t-shirt that said, “It’s Not a Dad Bod, It’s a Father Figure.”

Love it. Gotta love a little sense of humor. Also love seeing so many families with their kids at the parade. Makes me smile.

Of course I always smile at every shirt that says, “Love is Love,” or “Love Wins.” Of course.

What’s your experience? JIM