This Is Why I Write and Teach



People ask me all the time how I find the time to post on my blog, write books, and teach classes. For me, it’s about sharing and giving back.

When I started my career at Johnson & Johnson, I was surrounded by great mentors. Leaders there were committed to helping new comers like me learn. They helped me understand marketing, insights, strategy, creative development, and persuasive writing. Back then, I couldn’t write at all to tell you the truth. But through lots of feedback and lots of practice, I got to be a pretty decent writer. And strategist. And creative. And marketer. Lots of feedback and lots of practice. I’m still practicing!

So that’s why I write and teach. To give new comers lots of feedback and lots of practice. To share what I was taught back in the day and what I still develop in the day.

It takes time, for sure. But it also helps me to continually hone my craft and my leadership. I learn too!

A friend who teaches at BU sent me an article this week about how her class is using my latest book “The Conscious Marketer.” When I see articles like this coming out of a university like BU where one of my books has inspired a class to do great work, then it truly makes it all worth while. It truly shows that giving back can add value.

This is why I write and teach.

How can you give back? What’s your experience?

PS — here’s a link to my book on Amazon if you’re interested!
