"Identify As We Are" from Sephora

Source: YouTube.com

Source: YouTube.com

One of my students in my NYU class discovered this amazing video from Sephora that addresses beauty and how beauty shouldn’t be binary. It’s part of Sephora’s ongoing campaign that could be summed up under “inclusion,” tackling the issue from so many angles. It’s a wow.

For me as a human, a leader, and a marketer this video brings it. Diversity and inclusion is something I’ve been working on for years, as have so many … as we continue to evolve and improve and expand. I’ve also worked in the beauty space consistently my entire career. So for me, this is THE BEST description of what “makeup” really is and what “makeup” is really for and what “makeup” is really about … THE BEST that I have ever seen. Expressing individuality which is really what diversity and inclusion is. And what beauty is. Beauty is what any of us want it to be. Our way.

This video brings it all together in such an inspiring way.

Thank you, Sephora. What’s your experience? JIM