Todd Synder

Source: me

Source: me

Continuing my fashion theme this week (Louis Vuitton, Diesel, Kith) today I’m covering Todd Snyder.

As a male of a certain age who enjoys browsing, shopping, buying, and wearing clothes, there aren’t that many brands around that are exclusively dedicated to men. Most have expanded to also include lines for women and some have come out of women’s brands. But there aren’t many dedicated to fashion for men.

Enter Todd Snyder. As a consumer, I would describe it as taking inspiration from many other brands and making it all come together in a unique way: J.Crew, Club Monaco, Ralph Lauren, and even a little L.L.Bean. In fact, Todd Snyder did a collaboration with L.L.Bean!

Source: Todd Snyder

Source: Todd Snyder

It’s casual but thoughtful. Comfortable but put together. It’s an outfit! It’s an outfit! It’s a unique combination of items that makes an outfit. In fact, Todd Snyder also curates other brands and brings them together for these outfits. You can check out the curated list here.

I so miss getting dressed in the morning and going to work. I so miss putting on an outfit. I so miss changing out of my work clothes on a Friday and changing into something to go out Friday night. I so miss that.

Keeping perspective, I cannot complain at all. Missing clothing is nothing in the world today. But clothing and putting items together does bring me joy.

Todd Snyder brings me joy. Creativity. A sense that I am put together even if I’m wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of cords. With cool kicks. And a bracelet. And a jacket. Even if it’s to sit on Teams calls all day long. I’ve uniquely put together something that expresses me.

The last two weeks we’ve been talking about a brand’s emotional benefit in my NYU class. Todd Snyder brings out the creative side in me and allows me to express myself in a simple and not overly done manner. That’s a great emotional benefit. And since it’s devoted to men, I feel like the brand understands me. I feel like it puts these items together for me. But that’s just me.

Can you get to that kind of emotional benefit with your brand? What’s your experience? JIM