Ben & Jerry's Doggie Desserts


If you’re a dog owner or a dog lover then you know that most dogs love ice cream. And you’ve likely let your favorite dog sneak a lick here or there, not really knowing how good it is for them … knowing that it’s not great for their digestive system. Well, maybe just a little lick is ok :).

Ben & Jerry’s obviously gets that with their latest new product introduction … Doggie Desserts.




I am smiling from ear to ear. For so many reasons, but from a marketing perspective it is such a great way to expand the category. It’s probably hard to get more people to eat more ice cream, so then open up an entirely new market and generate fully incremental sales in the process.


Now some are saying that how could a human food brand make a dog food? Doesn’t that diminish the equity of the brand? To which I say, “not at all.” To me, it shows that Ben & Jerry’s understands the ENTIRE family including the fur babies. It shows they understand that consumers want to treat their dogs as much as they want to treat their kids. Maybe more sometimes :).

And by the way, all the major pet food brands are made by human food companies, even if not under the same brand name. Colgate-Palmolive, Nestle, Mars, Smuckers, etc. To me, leveraging the Ben & Jerry’s brand in this case makes it a family affair, which is a much higher emotional benefit. Plus the brand stuck to “treats” and “desserts” which is clearly in the sweet spot, so to speak.

I love it! What’s your experience? JIM