Tampax and Amy Schumer

Source: YouTube.com

Source: YouTube.com

Big promotional campaigns in feminine hygiene are nothing new, nor is using humor a way to talk about a sensitive or uncomfortable subject.

But evidently, according to brand Tampax, we have not made much progress on educating women on their reproductive health. The data is quite alarming, actually. And when you look at it across various populations, the level of knowledge is startling. Which is why Tampax is partnering with comedian Amy Schumer to launch a big promotional campaign with the objective of educating women.

The campaign is filled with video content where Amy explores multiple topics around women’s health … including going to the OBGYN. Because it’s done in a humorous and non-intimidating way, perhaps it will be more effective than other efforts before it.

Here’s one of many videos in the series:

Tackling issues straight on with humor is signature Amy Schumer. And educating women about their health is evidently what the Tampax brand wants to make their signature.

I applaud both. As a marketer and as a father.

What’s your experience? JIM