Click on the Video


These are trying times, as we all try new ways of life both at home and, well, learning and teaching and socializing and working from home. And And And … all at home for many of us.

I’ve found true help on video conferencing on any of the platforms. Microsoft Teams has been great for work but also Zoom for my class at NYU and Google Hangouts for my friends. Invaluable as many of us sit isolated at home. Who knew that I’d get so good at it!?!

These platforms and “our people” on them have given us a window into what is now our world. At least temporarily. But I’m betting that this has all made permanent changes in all of the above.

But I have one request for those I’m interacting with … Click on the video! I want to see you. I want to feel like I’m sitting next to you. I want to feel like we are together even if we are physically apart. I want to be with you.

It makes such a difference when you can actually see the person on video vs an icon or a headshot. The video portion makes it real, makes it human, and makes it feel like we are truly in this together and together we are making it happen. Together. So click on the video! I want to be with you!

And BTW, even for work … I want to see your baby and your kids and your dog. And I don’t care if I hear barking and noise from children playing. It makes it real. So share it on video!

Stay well - what’s your experience? JIM