Gaming Gets Comfy On-The-Go


We all know that true gamers are die hards…looking to game where ever they go. I recently read about two major brands bringing the game to the gamers as they travel, which is quite smart.

First up is Nintendo who just opened up pop-up gaming lounges in airports in Seattle, Chicago, and Washington. Must be big hubs for gamers! Great way to extend the brand.

But then Atari (as in the Atari) is opening up fully-immersive gaming hotels starting in Spring 2020 in Phoenix. Phoenix! More to come in Seattle, Chicago, Austin and many more. It’ll be the first full service hotel where the entire experience is routed in gaming. Atari gaming. With a soon-to-be-added focus on e-sports. Brilliant.


I mean this one is big and will be one to watch as I’m sure other lifestyle brands could easily replicate their own experience-based hotels. And we know that today’s travelers are looking for unique experiences that match their lifestyles. You won’t see me at the Atari Hotel but I know a lot people that will be there! Bet it’ll be packed with gamers. Atari gamers.

What’s your experience? JIM