Google at the Super Bowl


Google’s advertising has a signature style…one that matches its functionality. It makes for a simple concept and simple execution, and seemingly low cost production as well.

And it leaves a lot of room for emotional storytelling. And Google has done that well through the years, often at the Super Bowl.

This year is no exception with this little ditty called “Loretta.” #ImNotCryingYoureCrying.

For me, this is what branding is all about. Creating an emotional connection based on the offering and the value that you provide. You nailed it once again, Google.

By the way, the gentleman in the spot is the real-life grandfather of a Google employee!

Join us on Twitter during the big game while we chat about all of the advertising at #SuperBowlExp.

I’ll be asking…What’s your experience? JIM

PS - Just for fun, here’s the Google Super Bowl spot from 2010 which, to my eye, started the campaign: