Aviation Gin Mirrors Peloton


This new ad from Aviation Gin (the brand from Ryan Reynolds) was the talk of the town this weekend, and rightly so.

The brand quickly seized a cultural moment and in a New York minute put together a video featuring the now infamous “Peloton woman” from the ad that was the talk of the town last week. Take a look at “The Gift that Doesn’t Give Back:”

Brilliant. By drafting off of the HUGE cultural conversation of the original Peloton ad, Aviation Gin is continuing the “story” with a story of its own by using the same talent and some of the same characteristics to make the connection. Brilliant. And when a brand can quickly draft off of pop culture and put itself on the map, well then that’s just great, agile marketing. Was anyone talking about any other spirits brand this holiday-season weekend? I was at a bar or two this weekend, and I ordered Aviation Gin just to support its efforts. Everyone was talking about it.

Just in case you hadn’t seen it, here’s the original “The Gift that Gives Back” from Peloton that sparked a little more than just a little conversation

Putting Aviation Gin on the map indeed. What’s your experience? JIM

PS - Meanwhile the actor who plays the husband in the original Peloton spot isn’t too happy about all the criticism. He’s feeling like a target for some of the negativity. You can read about it here.