Fashion Statements from the Oscars

Let's face it...the Oscars are just as much about the fashion as they are about the awards. Many a trend has been launched at the Oscars.

I'm not sure that there was much new this year, but there were certainly a few "looks" that got cemented into pop culture that I think we'll see for a few fashion seasons to come. And just a few weeks after Fashion Week here in NY, it's fun to see the looks in action.

Statement necklaces. This is not the first night we've seen big, chunky neck-wear...but Cate and Scarlet made wearing them a trend that will hang around.

Short hair. Thank you, Julie Andrews, for making short hair forever chic, inspiring those after you to model the look.

The red dress. The red carpet must have been seeing red this was the color of the season. Very Hollywood.

The tuxedo. With multiple costume changes, Neil Patrick Harris ushered in the dual-color, dual-texture tuxedo. I went out and bought a pair of tuxedo pants myself after seeing his combinations.

No rocket surgery here. Just a solidification of what we've already been seeing. Conservative? Maybe. Wearable? Definitively.

What's your experience? JIM.