Toyota Sing-Along

I love it when a brand taps into a known, acknowledged, and universal consumer behavior as a way to make a connection.

In this case, that behavior is our love of singing ... singing along to our favorite songs.  Also in this case, it's to launch a new hybrid car.

Sure, it could have been singing in the shower but in this case it's singing in the car.  I mean, who doesn't sing along in the car?  I've been caught at many a red light myself, as have my kids.  Let's face it, we all do it.

Well Toyota certainly gets it, so they embraced the fact and made it a way to draw attention to their new car.

The brand turned the center of Prague into a jukebox matrix, where each street was renamed for a classic pop hit.  Like "I Will Survive" Street. As consumers test drive the new Toyota Yaris hybrid car around the city center, at each turn the music in the car changes to the music that matches the renamed street.  Inside the car, a camera captures the sing-along fest, song by song.

Unless there's a picture, it didn't happen ... so here's the video proof.  Loads of fun!

Makes me want to jump in and sing, and drive that car around those streets!  Exactly the point.

What's your experience?  JIM.