
I'd been hearing about this men's brand called Bonobos for quite some time.  And I'd been seeing the Facebook ads continually.

Clearly I'm in the target market.

The khaki pants seem really cool.  I love the strip of striped color across the back pocket ... so me.

When I dug a little deeper, I realized that they weren't talking to me, and that's just fine.  I'm a different kind of shopper, and this is a different kind of brand.

It's the store for men who don't like to shop.

Whoa.  At first glance this wouldn't be for me at all.  I love to shop!

But in digging a little deeper, there's more.

My spin on it ... It's the store for men who don't like to shop without buying anything.  I like to buy!

It's totally geared towards buying.  The catalog makes it easy, and by the way ... wouldn't you want to look like that in the clothes?  Hello!

Bonobos started opening showrooms, first in New York, so that men could try on the clothes and then order them.  You can't walk out with any merchandise ... the stores don't carry the inventory ... but you can order stuff and get your goods really quickly.  The stores are called "Guide Shops."  I'm in.

It's a different kind of shopping for men who like to buy stuff.  For men who like to look like they put some care into their look.  For men who want their pants to look ... well, purposeful.  Like they are fitted and tailored.  But they don't want to look like they've "shopped" for it.  I love it!

Now that's the look, ladies and gentlemen!

What's your experience?  JIM.