Social Media IRL

I was invited the other night to a social gathering of social media heavy weights .... #GlobalID.  Hosted by the incomprable Sid as in @iammrsid.  I was able to join the inaugural session two years ago, and was thrilled to be able to come back again this year.

I was by far the oldest and least socially-advanced of the group, and it was an honor to be in their company.  To even be thought of as someone in social media makes me smile! #Humbled.

Aside from participating in my first Vine video ... and my first Vine #Bobblehead video to boot ... the highlight of the evening was simply the agenda-free, ego-free, free-flowing conversation.  It was wonderful.  It was really great to meet some of the folks who are regulars in my pop culture #Exp chats.  #Wave.

It was also amazing to see a social situation where it is completely legit to have your smart phone in your hand the whole time!

We talked about social media, kids, projects, travel, food, #Brooklyn ... and Sangria.  All of it over pitchers of Sangria, none of which I could sample because the wait service kept filling up my glass of Pinot Grigio (I sound like Ramona from The Real Housewives of New York).  BTW, we didn't talk about The Real Housewives. #JumpTheShark.

I've often heard that you can't go IRL with social media, but nothing could be further from the truth.  It was an #Exp I plan to repeat often.  #RinseRepeat.

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
- President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
- Author, The Experience Effect series
- Professor, NYU
- Contributor, Entrepreneur