What Women Want ... In Social Media

Yesterday I moderated a panel discussion at BrandsConf, a very well orchestrated social media conference organized by the most likeable guy on the planet, Jeff Pulver.  The theme of the conference is "The Humanization of Brands" so I organized a small group of social media experts to talk about what women are looking for in social media from their brands.  Makes sense for me since I run an agency dedicated to marketing with women and I wrote a book about building the brand experience!  Not too much of a stretch!  You can view the conference off of its website to get the full experience.

First up is Melanie Notkin, aka Savvy Auntie.  She's created a lifestyle brand for women that I have tremendous respect for ... not all women are moms and in fact you don't have to be a mom to have children in your life.  Melanie is a best-selling author and an inspiration to millions.  I too joined the "Auntourage!

I also invited Kristen Celko, head of digital marketing for David's Bridal, the largest bridal retailer/brand in the country.  For many women, her wedding day is among the biggest and in her life.  Planning for it is a task that takes a village -- much of it now online!

My third panelist was Sloane Berrent, better known as @sloane.  A true digital pioneer and truly passionate about cause marketing for women and children.  Her blog, Causemopolitan, is among the most respected in the space.  I have the privilege of working with Sloane everyday, and she is a force.

I love the format of BrandsConf because it is quick and to the point.  Speakers get 9 minutes to present their point, and the panel discussions are focused as well.  We had 15 minutes to tell our story.

Among other things, I asked the women to give one piece of advice to brands that are trying to connect with women in social media ... "What should brands do to give women what they want on social media?"

Sloane said to "be daring, be bold".  Don't be afraid to show your true colors.  Give women a glimpse of what you are all about.  Make a statement and stick to it.  Show them who you are.

Kristen said to show the "behind the scenes."  Show them that you are real, made up of real people that care.

And Melanie said to "be normal."  Be a real person with real conversation and a real commitment to serving their needs.  Use real language and post real content.

From my perspective, all sounds very real.  Which in marketing with women means being authentic and a part of the community.  Love it.

We could have talked for hours, for sure.  It was such a pleasure to be in company with such strong social media pioneers and in front of a live and virtual audience of industry leaders.  It was a wow for me.

"Marketing is a spectator sport" -- so hopefully you've learned a little from these women today.

If you'd like to see the discussion, here's the video!

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President of Lippe Taylor
Author of The Experience Effect