Target After Hours

It's a Target trilogy this week - this is my third post about Target in a row.  What can I say, the brand is on my mind!

When I was in college, "after hours" had a very specific meaning .... but with the drinking age now 21 and a whole new generation of "consumers" it has taken on an entirely new meaning.

"After hours" means shopping ... at least at Target.

The brand has a brilliant way to help college students outfit their dorm rooms and apartments and get all of their essentials for the school year.  After the store closes its normal business hours, it buses in students into the local stores.  The brand is doing it at many of the many college campuses, including Penn State where my daughter goes to school.  Target even got brands to sponsor the event ... M&Ms is there in a big way!

It's so smart.  The brand is giving these students exclusive access to merchandise and a social night out.  My daughter says it's packed, and I can totally imagine that!

Such a simple idea and a great way to build a loyal following among a new set of consumers at a relatively young age.  Just wait until they set up their new homes ... guess where they will turn to first for their shopping needs?

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President of Lippe Taylor
Author of The Experience Effect
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